Components API


API reference documentation for the LumexDataGrid<T> component. Explore details about its parameters, types and other APIs.


For examples and details on the usage of this component, visit the component demo page: DataGrid<T>


Parameter Type Description Default
ChildContent RenderFragment Gets or sets the content to be rendered inside the data grid. -
ToolbarContent RenderFragment Gets or sets the content to be rendered inside the data grid toolbar. -
EmptyContent RenderFragment Gets or sets the content to be rendered inside the data grid when there is no data available. -
LoadingContent RenderFragment Gets or sets the content to be rendered inside the data grid while data is loading. -
Data IQueryable<T> Gets or sets a queryable source of data for the grid. This could be in-memory data converted to queryable using the extension method, or an EntityFramework DataSet or an derived from it. You should supply either or , but not both. -
DataSource DataSource<T> Gets or sets a callback that supplies data for the grid. You should supply either or , but not both. -
Loading bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data grid is loading. false
Hoverable bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether rows in the data grid should highlight on hover. false
Striped bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether rows in the data grid are striped. false
StickyHeader bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header of the data grid is sticky. false
Virtualize bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid will be rendered with virtualization. This is normally used in conjunction with scrolling and causes the grid to fetch and render only the data around the current scroll viewport. This can greatly improve the performance when scrolling through large data sets. If you use , you should supply a value for and must ensure that every row renders with the same constant height. false
ItemSize float Gets or sets an expected height for each row in pixels. This is applicable only when using , allowing the virtualization mechanism to fetch the correct number of items to match the display size and to ensure accurate scrolling. 37
Color ThemeColor Gets or sets a color used to style the selected rows and checkboxes in the data grid. Default
Radius Radius Gets or sets the radius of the data grid. Large
Shadow Shadow Gets or sets the shadow of the data grid. Small
Layout Layout Gets or sets the table layout algorithm used by the data grid, determining how the table and its columns are sized. Auto
DisabledItems ICollection<T> Gets or sets a collection of items in the data grid that are disabled. -
SelectionMode SelectionMode Gets or sets the selection mode for the data grid, determining how rows can be selected. None
SelectedItems ICollection<T> Gets or sets the collection of items currently selected in the data grid. -
SelectedItemsChanged EventCallback<ICollection<T>> Gets or sets the callback that is invoked when the selection of items in the data grid changes. -
OnRowClick EventCallback<DataGridRowClickEventArgs<T>> Gets or sets the callback that is invoked when a row in the data grid is clicked. -
Classes DataGridSlots Gets or sets the CSS class names for the data grid slots. -
As string Gets or sets an HTML tag of the component. -
Class string Gets or sets CSS class names that will be applied to the component. -
Style string Gets or sets styles that will be applied to the component. -
AdditionalAttributes IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the component. -
ElementReference ElementReference? Gets or sets the associated . May be if accessed before the component is rendered. -


Method Type Description
RefreshDataAsync Task
SortByColumnAsync Task
SetParametersAsync Task
DisposeAsync ValueTask
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