For examples and details on the usage of this component, visit the component demo page: Select<T>
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
ChildContent | RenderFragment |
Gets or sets the content to be rendered inside the select input. | - |
StartContent | RenderFragment |
Gets or sets the content to be rendered at the start of the select input. | - |
EndContent | RenderFragment |
Gets or sets the content to be rendered at the end of the select input. | - |
ValueContent | RenderFragment<T> |
Gets or sets the content to display for the currently selected value. | - |
Label | string |
Gets or sets the label for the select input. | - |
Placeholder | string |
Gets or sets the placeholder text to display when no value is selected. | - |
Description | string |
Gets or sets the description text to display below the select input. | - |
ErrorMessage | string |
Gets or sets the error message to display when the select input is in an invalid state. | - |
LabelPlacement | LabelPlacement |
Gets or sets the placement of the label of the select input. | Inside |
Variant | InputVariant |
Gets or sets the appearance variant of the select input. | Flat |
Radius | Radius? |
Gets or sets the border radius of the select input. | - |
ListboxMaxHeight | float |
Gets or sets the maximum height of the options listbox. | 256 |
FullWidth | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the select input is full-width. | true |
DisabledItems | ICollection<T> |
Gets or sets the collection of items currently disabled in the select input. | - |
Values | ICollection<T> |
Gets or sets the collection of selected values in the select input. | - |
ValuesChanged | EventCallback<ICollection<T>> |
Gets or sets the callback invoked when the collection of selected values changes. | - |
Classes | SelectSlots |
Gets or sets the CSS class names for the select slots. | - |
PopoverClasses | PopoverSlots |
Gets or sets the CSS class names for the listbox slots. | - |
ListboxClasses | ListboxSlots |
Gets or sets the CSS class names for the listbox slots. | - |
Disabled | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input is disabled. | false |
ReadOnly | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input is read-only. | false |
Required | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input is required. | false |
Invalid | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input is invalid. | false |
Color | ThemeColor |
Gets or sets a color of the input. | Default |
Size | Size |
Gets or sets the size of the input. | Medium |
Value | T |
Gets or sets the value of the input. This should be used with two-way binding. | - |
ValueChanged | EventCallback<T> |
Gets or sets a callback that is fired when the value of the input changes. | - |
OnFocus | EventCallback<FocusEventArgs> |
Gets or sets a callback that is fired when the input receives focus. | - |
OnBlur | EventCallback<FocusEventArgs> |
Gets or sets a callback that is fired when the input loses focus. | - |
ValueExpression | Expression<Func<T>> |
Gets or sets an expression that identifies the bound value. | - |
As | string |
Gets or sets an HTML tag of the component. | - |
Class | string |
Gets or sets CSS class names that will be applied to the component. | - |
Style | string |
Gets or sets styles that will be applied to the component. | - |
AdditionalAttributes | IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> |
Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the component. | - |
ElementReference | ElementReference? |
Gets or sets the associated . May be if accessed before the component is rendered. | - |