

The checkbox allows users to select or deselect options, typically in forms or lists.


The checkbox component can be used to turn an option on or off.

<LumexCheckbox Value="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>


You can disable a checkbox to prevent user interaction. A disabled checkbox is faded and does not respond to user clicks.

<LumexCheckbox Disabled="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Disabled="@true" Value="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>


You can set a checkbox to be read-only, allowing users to view the selected option without being able to modify it.

<LumexCheckbox ReadOnly="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox ReadOnly="@true" Value="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>


The checkbox component supports different sizes to fit various layouts and design needs, from small checkboxes to larger ones.

<LumexCheckbox Size="@Size.Small" Value="@true">Small</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Size="@Size.Medium" Value="@true">Medium</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Size="@Size.Large" Value="@true">Large</LumexCheckbox>


The checkbox component supports various border radius options, allowing you to create checkboxes with rounded corners or sharp edges.

<LumexCheckbox Radius="@Radius.None" Value="@true">None</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Radius="@Radius.Small" Value="@true">Small</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Radius="@Radius.Medium" Value="@true">Medium</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Radius="@Radius.Large" Value="@true">Large</LumexCheckbox>


Customize the appearance of the checkbox by applying different colors that suit your application's theme and design.

<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Default" Value="@true">Default</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Primary" Value="@true">Primary</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Secondary" Value="@true">Secondary</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Success" Value="@true">Success</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Warning" Value="@true">Warning</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Danger" Value="@true">Danger</LumexCheckbox>
<LumexCheckbox Color="@ThemeColor.Info" Value="@true">Info</LumexCheckbox>

Custom Check Icon

You can replace the default check icon with a custom one.

<LumexCheckbox CheckIcon="@Icons.Rounded.Favorite" Value="@true">Option</LumexCheckbox>

Two-way Data Binding

The checkbox component supports two-way data binding, allowing you to programmatically control checked state. You can achieve this using the @bind-Value directive, or the Value and ValueChanged parameters.

Selected: False

Selected: True

<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
    <LumexCheckbox @bind-Value="@_valueOne">Option</LumexCheckbox>
    <p class="text-sm text-default-500">
        Selected: @_valueOne

<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
    <LumexCheckbox Value="@_valueTwo"
    <p class="text-sm text-default-500">
        Selected: @_valueTwo

@code {
    private bool _valueOne;
    private bool _valueTwo = true;

    private void OnValueChanged( bool @checked )
        _valueTwo = @checked;

Custom Styles

This component supports named slots that allow you to apply custom CSS to specific parts of the component.

  • Root: The overall container of the checkbox.
  • Wrapper: The wrappper of the input and icon elements that manages states.
  • Icon: The icon within the checkbox that appears when the checkbox is selected.
  • Label: The label associated with the checkbox.

You can customize the component(s) by passing any Tailwind CSS classes to the following component parameters:


  • Class: The basic CSS class name styles the wrapper of the checkbox.
  • Classes: The CSS class names for the checkbox slots style the entire checkbox at once.
<LumexCheckbox Value="@true" Classes="@_classes">
    <div class="flex items-center gap-4">
        <LumexIcon Icon="@Icons.Rounded.HealthAndSafety"
                   Size="@new("32")" />
            <div class="font-medium">Mobile Anti-Virus</div>
            <p class="text-sm text-primary">5,07 €/month</p>

@code {
    private CheckboxSlots _classes = new()
        Root = ElementClass.Empty()
            .Add( "w-full max-w-md gap-2 p-4" )
            .Add( "rounded-lg border-2 border-default-100 " )
            .Add( "bg-surface1 hover:bg-surface2" )
            .Add( "data-[checked=true]:border-primary" )
        Label = "w-full"


See the API references below for a complete guide to all the parameters available for the components mentioned here.

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