

The link component allows users to click their way from page to page.


The link component is used to navigate users to other pages or external resources.

<LumexLink Href="#">Link</LumexLink>


You can disable a link to prevent user interaction. A disabled link is faded and does not respond to user clicks.

<LumexLink Href="#" Disabled="@true">Disabled Link</LumexLink>


Customize the appearance of the link by applying different colors that suit your application's theme and design.

<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.None">None</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Default">Default</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Primary">Primary</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Secondary">Secondary</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Success">Success</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Warning">Warning</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Danger">Danger</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Color="@ThemeColor.Info">Info</LumexLink>


You can control whether the link has an underline for emphasis or a cleaner look.

<LumexLink Href="#" Underline="@Underline.None">None</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Underline="@Underline.Hover">Hover</LumexLink>
<LumexLink Href="#" Underline="@Underline.Always">Always</LumexLink>


The link component can be configured for external URLs, ensuring it opens in a new tab and behaves accordingly.

<LumexLink Href=""
    External Link


LumexUI components expose an As parameter that allows you to customize the HTML element tag used to render the component.

<LumexButton As="a"
    Button Link

The above is an attempt to replicate the polymorphic components from React. However, in Blazor, we can only control the HTML element tag of the rendered component. For example, to make the button link open in a new tab, you must manually define the `target` and `rel` attributes.

Active State

Just like Blazor native NavLink component, this one also enables an active CSS class based on whether its href matches the current URL. Please refer to the official documentation for further information.

Custom Styles

You can customize the link component by passing any Tailwind CSS classes to the component's Class and/or Style parameters.

<LumexLink Color="@ThemeColor.Primary"
           Class="font-medium hover:decoration-2">


See the API references below for a complete guide to all the parameters available for the components mentioned here.

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